Rehabilitate your city ARC Engineering and Architecture La Salle
Copyright © 2025

ENERPAT (Energy Planning Assessment Tool), is an application that enables professionals in the building sector (architects, urban planners, builders, technicians and municipal managers) to assess the state of the residential building stock and define rehabilitation strategies to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings.

The application integrates the data obtained from the Energy Performance Certificates provided by the Catalan Institute of Energy (ICAEN), the cadastre and the census sections, together with geographic information. The rehabilitation measures are based on the ICAEN simulation tool and the “Long-term strategy for energy rehabilitation in the building sector in Spain” (ERESEE 2014).

In the tutorial you can find a detailed description on how to use the application.

* The data provided by the ICAEN and the AHC was last updated in October 2017.

Benvingut als escenaris de rehabilitació

Per poder oferir-te estratègies de rehabilitació, ENER_Plan ha agrupat tots els edificis de l’àmbit per paquets de característiques similars.

Abans d'accedir al Pas 3 cal saber que:
  1. En la part superior es plantegen objectius de rehabilitació per escollir els del teu interès.
  2. Primerament, s'agrupen tots els edificis de l'àmbit per paquets de característiques similars. **
  3. Posteriorment, apareix informació agrupada en vertical de cada paquet d'edificis.
  4. A la part esquerra dels paquets d'edificis apareix la informació que representa el total d'edificis de l'àmbit.
  5. A la part inferior veuràs un resum de l'abast de la rehabilitació on pots decidir el percentatge d'edificis a rehabilitar.

Veure escenaris de rehabilitació

**ENERSI utilitza les dades de la certificació per agrupar els edificis de l’àmbit seleccionat per paquets de característiques constructives similars segons nombre de plantes, ús i any de construcció. Els Paquets d’edificis estan basats en les agrupacions d’edificis per clústers de l’Estratègia a llarg termini per a la Rehabilitació energètica en el sector de l'edificació a Espanya publicada pel Ministeri de foment.

Paquets d'edificis en ...
ENERSI has grouped the buildings of the municipality with similar characteristics into nine clusters (CL). This table contains information about the energy efficiency of the buildings included in each cluster.

Total CL 1   CL 2   CL 3   CL 4   CL 5   CL 6   CL 7   CL 8   CL 9  
Number of certified dwellings ----------
Number of dwellings to rehabilitate ----------
% dwellings to rehabilitate
Energy consumption and CO2 emisions
Non-renewable primary energy (tep)
CO2 emissions
Energy labels
Dwellings with A label
Dwellings with B label
Dwellings with C label
Dwellings with D label
Dwellings with E label
Dwellings with F label
Dwellings with G label
Savings in energy and carbon emisions (%) ----------
Total investment (M€) ----------
Passive measures
Savings in energy and carbon emisions (%) ----------
Investment per housing unit ----------
Total investment (M€) ----------
Return on investment ----------
Refurbishing measures See moreSee moreSee moreSee moreSee moreSee moreSee moreSee moreSee more
Active measures
Savings in energy and carbon emisions (%) ----------
Investment per housing unit ----------
Total investment (M€) ----------
Return on investment ----------
Refurbishing measures See moreSee moreSee moreSee moreSee moreSee moreSee moreSee moreSee more

** The rehabilitation measures are based on the ICAEN simulation tool and in the “Long-Term Strategy for Energy Renovation in the Building Sector in Spain (ERESEE 2014)


Cluster nº 1

Cluster of single-family buildings built before 1950 with 1 to 3 floors. They are considered buildings built with traditional systems of solid and thick walls, predominating the sloping roof with ventilated chamber and with the levelling floor in contact with the ground.

Rehabilitation measure Housing to be applied Cost per unit Energy savings Return (years)
Passive measures to be applied:
  • Apply insulation inside the facade
  • Install PVC windows and low emissivity glass
  • Insulate the roof by the interior
0 9407€ 23,4% - 30,9% 14,1 - 39,2
A2. Gasoil condensing boiler 0 2600€ 19,7% - 23,2% 5,2 - 12,9
A3. Natural gas condensing boiler 0 2600€ 19,7% - 23,2% 3,5 - 8,6
A4. Pellet boiler 0 7650€ 13.3% - 17,1% 10,4 - 41,8

For the buildings of this Cluster, the rehabilitation measures proposed by the ERESEE for single-family and multi-family dwellings (Cluster B) have been applied, since they have similar constructive, volumetric and environmental characteristics.

Cluster nº 2

Cluster of single-family buildings built before 1950 with 1 to 3 floors. They are considered buildings built with traditional systems of solid and thick walls, predominating the sloping roof with ventilated chamber and with the levelling floor in contact with the ground.

Rehabilitation measure Housing to be applied Cost per unit Energy savings Return (years)
Passive measures to be applied:
  • Apply insulation inside the facade
  • Install PVC windows and low emissivity glass
  • Insulate the roof by the interior
0 3433€ 22,5% - 30% 13,1 - 28,3
A1. Natural gas condensing boiler 0 1946,2€ 17,9% - 22,5% 8,6 - 17
A5. Multifamily housing heat pump 0 1140€ 2,1% 21,7
A9. Aerothermal heat pump for hot and cold water for sanitary use 0 8600€ 52,3% - 63% 23 - 39,4

For the buildings of this Cluster, the rehabilitation measures proposed by the ERESEE for single-family and multi-family dwellings (Cluster B) have been applied, since they have similar constructive, volumetric and environmental characteristics.

Cluster nº 3

Cluster of multi-family buildings built before 1950 with more than 3 floors. They are considered buildings built with traditional solid and thick wall systems, with flat roof and air chamber under first floor slab or commercial premises on the ground floor.

Rehabilitation measure Housing to be applied Cost per unit Energy savings Return (years)
Passive measures to be applied:
  • Apply insulation on the outside of the facade
  • Install PVC windows and low emissivity glass
  • Insulate the roof by the interior
0 5405€ 41,7% - 31,5% 11,9 - 33,1
A1. Natural gas condensing boiler 0 1946,2€ 17,9% - 22,5% 8,6 - 17
A5. Multifamily housing heat pump 0 1140€ 2,1% 21,7
A9. Aerothermal heat pump for hot and cold water for sanitary use 0 8600€ 52,3% - 63% 23 - 39,4

For the buildings of this Cluster, the ICAEN simulator of rehabilitation measures for residential buildings proposes installing insulation in the interior of the façade while the ERESEE suggests an exterior wall insulation.

Cluster nº 4

Cluster of single-family buildings built between 1951 and 1980 with 1 to 3 floors. They are considered buildings constructed generally with walls with air chamber, sloping roof without air chamber and air chamber under first floor slab.

Rehabilitation measure Housing to be applied Cost per unit Energy savings Return (years)
Passive measures to be applied:
  • Apply insulation in the facade air chamber
  • Install PVC windows and low emissivity glass
  • Insulate the roof by the interior
0 7124€ 17% - 21,7% 17,5 - 46,6
A2. Gasoil condensing boiler 0 2600€ 20,4% - 23,5% 5,9 - 14,1
A3. Natural gas condensing boiler 0 2600€ 20,4% - 23,5% 3,9 - 9,4
A4. Pellet boiler 0 7650€ 13.6% - 17,1% 12,2 - 50

For the buildings of this Cluster, the ICAEN simulator of rehabilitation measures for residential buildings proposes to place insulation inside the air chamber while the ERESEE suggests an exterior wall insulation.

Cluster nº 5

Cluster of multi-family buildings built between 1951 and 1980. They are considered buildings constructed generally with walls with air chamber, flat roof and air ground floor.

Rehabilitation measure Housing to be applied Cost per unit Energy savings Return (years)
Passive measures to be applied:
  • Apply insulation on the outside of the facade
  • Install PVC windows and low emissivity glass
  • Insulate the roof by the exterior
0 13788€ 41,3% - 50% 20,2 - 46,2
A1. Natural gas condensing boiler 0 1946,2€ 18,7% - 23,1% 6,2 - 15
A5. Multifamily housing heat pump 0 1140€ 2,1% 35,7
A9. Aerothermal heat pump for hot and cold water for sanitary use 0 8600€ 54,4% - 59,7% 22,5 - 31,9

For the buildings of this Cluster, the ICAEN simulator of rehabilitation measures for residential buildings proposes an exterior wall insulation while the ERESEE suggests placing the insulation in the air chamber.

Cluster nº 6

Cluster of single-family buildings built between 1981 and 1990 with 1 to 3 floors. They are considered buildings constructed generally with walls with air chamber and thermal insulation, sloping roof without air chamber and air chamber under first floor slab.

Rehabilitation measure Housing to be applied Cost per unit Energy savings Return (years)
Passive measures to be applied:
  • Insulate insulation in the facade air chamber
  • Install PVC windows and low emissivity glass
  • Insulate the roof by the interior
0 16002€ 38,3% - 43,2% 21,3 - 46,6
A2. Gasoil condensing boiler 0 2600€ 17% - 22,7% 6,6 - 17,6
A3. Natural gas condensing boiler 0 2600€ 17% - 22,7% 4,4 - 11,7
A4. Pellet boiler 0 7650€ 12,9% - 17,5% 13,8 - 50

The ICAEN simulator of rehabilitation measures for residential buildings does not include interventions on façade exteriors. Because of this, the suggestion is to place the insulation in the air chamber

Cluster nº 7

Cluster of multi-family buildings built between 1981 and 1990. They are considered buildings constructed generally with walls with air chamber and thermal insulation, flat roof and air chamber under first floor slab.

Rehabilitation measure Housing to be applied Cost per unit Energy savings Return (years)
Passive measures to be applied:
  • Apply insulation on the outside of the facade
  • Install PVC windows and low emissivity glass
  • Insulate the roof by the exterior
0 12030€ 40,3% - 49,6% 17,3 - 40,7
A1. Natural gas condensing boiler 0 1946,2€ 17,3% - 22,5% 6,2 - 15,7
A5. Multifamily housing heat pump 0 1140€ 2,4% 30.4
A9. Aerothermal heat pump for hot and cold water for sanitary use 0 8600€ 51% - 63,1% 16 - 32,4

The ICAEN simulator of rehabilitation measures for residential buildings does not include interventions on façade exteriors. Because of this, the suggestion is to place the insulation in the outer wall.

Cluster nº 8

Cluster of single-family buildings built between 1991 and 2011 with 1 to 3 floors. They are considered to be buildings constructed generally with walls with air chamber and thermal insulation, sloping roof without air chamber and air chamber under first floor slab.

Rehabilitation measure Housing to be applied Cost per unit Energy savings Return (years)
Passive measures to be applied:
  • Apply insulation on the outside of the facade
  • Install PVC windows and low emissivity glass
  • Insulate the roof by the exterior
0 23669€ 29,6% - 38,8% 29,2 - >50
A3. Natural gas condensing boiler 0 2600€ 13,8% - 21,3% 5,8 - 17,8
A4. Pellet boiler 0 7650€ 9,1% - 15,8% 17 - 50
A6. Single family housing heat pump 0 2120€ 4,2% 21.6
A7. Aerothermal heat pump for hot and cold water for sanitary use 0 8600€ 42,7% - 55% 15,5 - 22,2

The ICAEN simulator of rehabilitation measures for residential buildings does not include interventions on façade exteriors. Because of this, the suggestion is to place the insulation in the outer wall.

Cluster nº 9

Cluster of multi-family buildings built between 1991 and 2011. Buildings constructed generally with walls with air chamber and thermal insulation, flat roof and air chamber under first floor slab.

Rehabilitation measure Housing to be applied Cost per unit Energy savings Return (years)
Passive measures to be applied:
  • Insulate insulation in the facade air chamber
  • Install PVC windows and low emissivity glass
  • Insulate the roof by the interior
0 14656€ 24,2% - 35,4% 40,2 - >50
A1. Natural gas condensing boiler 0 1946,2€ 14% - 20,9% 9 - 26
A5. Multifamily housing heat pump 0 1140€ 3% 32.4
A9. Aerothermal heat pump for hot and cold water for sanitary use 0 8600€ 42,3% - 54,1% 31,6 - 46,5

The ICAEN simulator of rehabilitation measures for residential buildings does not include interventions on façade exteriors. Because of this, the suggestion is to place the insulation in the air chamber


ENERPAT provides information about existing buildings grouped in clusters and the improvements that can be applied to them. The rehabilitation measures are based on the ICAEN simulation tool and in the “Long-Term Strategy for Energy Renovation in the Building Sector in Spain (ERESEE 2014)